Room Full of Mirrors Rip Off - A Mogul Controlled Media Hoax
Warning for the Lost Continent of Seattleland
Whistler vs. Asteroid & XP = Experience
ABC News Profiles the Murderer of Earth - But Doesn't Report the Crime
Bill Gates' "Save the Mosquitos" Foundation
Apophis Targets EMPeror's Pacific Island
Hendrix/Microsoft Connection
Paul Allan and Microsoft are from Seattle, the same city where Jimi Hendrix was born and raised.
Experience Music Project "EMP" Had to Change Name to "MoPOP" (because of this website)...
Paul Allen's $240 million "Hendrix Museum" in Seattle (see right) was called the Experience Music Project - named after Jimi's band, " The Jimi Hendrix Experience." Because of Rock Prophecy and this website, EMP officials realized they had to change their organization's name to try and disassociate it from the tainted Paul Alen, so in 2016 they switched their name to "The Museum of Pop Culture" or "MoPOP" as it's pretentiously called in Seattle. The $240
million structure was financed by Microsoft co-founder
Paul Allen, who, like Jimi (and Microsoft), is a native of Seattle.