






Rock ProphecyTM



Warning For The Lost Continent Of Seattleland

February 13, 2001:

For Valentine's Day 2001 NASA lands a spacecraft on an asteroid for the first time. The asteroid is named Eros, the Greek word for Love, so NASA made a landing for Valentine's Day. As Rock Prophecy points out, Jimi Hendrix had a name for the asteroid that will impact our planet, the name he gave is Electric Love (it was the name "Eros" that influenced Jimi's title for the Rock: Electric Love, but the actual asteroid Eros is not the Rock Jimi said will collide with Earth). So when NASA landed their spacecraft on Eros, or Love, Bill Gates went to the Hendrix museum in Seattle to announce that Microsoft's Windows operating system will be titled "XP", which stands for Experience, as in the name of Jimi Hendrix's band, the Jimi Hendrix Experience.

So here is Bill Gates at the Hendrix museum saying the new name for Windows is XP, meaning Experience, just when NASA lands a spacecraft on an asteroid for the first time, for Valentine's Day and the name of the asteroid is Eros, for Love, which is the name Jimi gave to the asteroid that will impact Earth. While the XP (eXPerience) operating system was being developed at Microsoft, the project had a code name. You know what that code name was? Originally it was "Asteroid."

Can you get the connections? – Eros, Love, Electric Love, a name Hendrix gave to an asteroid, Bill Gates at the Hendrix museum for Valentine's Day, announcing XP, meaning Experience, like Hendrix Experience, while at the same time NASA lands on an asteroid for the first time, a rock named Eros/Love, landing for Valentine's Day, and Windows XP was originally named Asteroid. The meaning of this seeming coincidence is that Microsoft learned from me to associate Hendrix with asteroids and then Microsoft media partners ran with my asteroid ideas while Paul Allen's Microsoft money destroyed my career at the Hendrix company, after I'd worked many months to make the best Hendrix collections available to his museum in Seattle. Mr. Allen and his Hendrix Museum project then refused to pay me for my work.


Experience Music Project "Hendrix Museum"

in Seattle

When Windows XP was released, Bill Gates chose to release it on October 25, the anniversary of the day this rockprophecy.com website went online. The release date was announced by Bill Gates at the Hendrix Museum in Seattle for Valentine's Day 2001. Within two weeks of Mr. Gates announcement at the Hendrix Museum, Seattle was hit by the biggest earthquake in more than a half century.

Just hours after the NEAR spacecraft landed on the asteroid EROS, Gates revealed at the Hendrix Museum that the new version of Windows, developed at one time under the code name "Asteroid," is now officially christened XP - meaning "eXPerience" (Hendrix Experience).

At www.rockprophecy.com I uploaded the news of what Mr. Gates said in Seattle at the Hendrix Museum, and several hours later rioting erupted in the streets of Seattleland - the worst riots staged by the Microsoft enslaved residents of that forsaken city since the "WTO" riots of Nov. 27, 1999. The WTO riots of 1999 were triggered by advertisements for the book Rock Prophecy that ran in Seattle during the week leading up to the WTO violence.

During February 26 and 27, 2001 chaos again reigned in Seattle in response to the Hendrix/asteroid/Microsoft incident - and at the peak of the rioting, the Lost Continent of Seattleland rocked in spasms from the most violent earthquake to hit the Northwest since 1949.

"These buildings ain't gonna be here that long, so why be like that?" - Jimi

Initial reports of the February 28, 2001 Seattle quake recorded a measurement of "7.0" on the Richter scale. Then, several hours later, that measurment was changed by media to read "6.8"!

What happened?

1970, or, 7.0, is the year of Hendrix's death. When this website posted a report about the Hendrix Museum in Jimi's hometown of Seattle, a report about the Hendrix/Microsoft/asteroid/Windows XP incident, a massive earthquake measuring SEVEN POINT ZERO set off the Seattle Rattle. It was 10:55 a.m. and Bill Gates had just stepped on stage to babble about XP. Paul Allen's spin doctors immediately realized that the number 7.0 on the earthquake scale signaled a sign of Hendrix, who is associated with "70" - the year of Jimi's death. Microsoft moguls knew the coincidence would be used to explain how all of these events mentioned are related.

My persecution in the city of Seattle is of historic proportions. I exposed this abuse in advertisements that ran in that city's papers:

Seattle Ad

It's as if the Archangel of Heaven battled with Murderers of Earth on the Lost Continent of Seattleland. To undermine ties that relate the 7.0 quake with me, Microsoft's media empire cooked the books on the quake's strength. By evening all media repeated their spin that the Richter scale hit just 6.8 today, and not the 7.0 we'd been told!

In a similar way they use media to tell us that asteroids aimed at Earth have suddenly changed course: February 7, 2000

But it doesn't matter what that quake measured. The rattle of Seattle was foretold in Rock Prophecy anyway. Passages about that town's destruction appear on pages I-28, I-50, and E-33-34.

The rattle of Seattle was also foretold on this website:

Lost continent of Seattleland - it is no accident that no one died during the February 28 quake. This 7.0 event is a warning to all: that entire area, today enslaved by Microsoft, must be cordoned off, quarantined, and nuked from space. EMPeror Allen, and those who now control/destroy Jimi's legacy, are responsible for the Murder of Earth - expect no rest until these creatures are tracked down and relieved of their evil.

In some ways it's getting like Pompeii. - Jimi

February 26, 2001:

For exactly six months the rockprophecy.com website wasn't updated. Then on February 26, 2001 reports were added about Bill Gates on stage at the EMP "Hendrix Museum" in Seattle on Feb. 13, 2001. Just hours after the NEAR spacecraft landed on the asteroid EROS, Gates revealed at the Hendrix Museum that the new version of Microsoft's Windows operating system, developed under the code name "Asteroid," is now officially christened Windows XP - meaning "eXPerience" (aka the Jimi Hendrix Experience).

On February 26, 2001, just hours after our report about the meaning of "XP" appeared on this website, rioting erupted in the streets of Seattleland - the worst riots staged by the Microsoft enslaved residents of that forsaken city since the "WTO" riots of November 27, 1999 (hometown Seattle Jimi Hendrix's birthday). The WTO riots of 1999 were triggered by advertisements for the book Rock Prophecy that ran in Seattle during the week leading up to the WTO violence.