Adam and Eve, 66-8, 85, 96, 98-9, 100-7, 110,
155, 185-6, 228
Adamas, 139
Aerospace Warning Division, 241
Affluence Controlled Media Influence (A.C.M.I.),
258, E-36-7
age of the universe, 227-8
Alcott, Louisa May, I-26
Allegro, John, 222-3
Allen, Paul, iv, I-1-3, I-6-7, I-17-20, I-23-4, I-28,
I-30-2, I-35, I-39-42, I-44, I-46-7, I-50, E-30-6
Almond, Paul, I-50
Anglo-Australian-Observatory, 8, 19
Anthony, Susan B., 129
antichrist, the, I-27, 209, 224, 229, 250, 265, 268,
E-28, E-32
antigay, the, 149-50, 152-3
Apollo 10, 22
Apollo 13, E-17, E-19-20
Apollo 17, 22
Apostle's Creed, 104
Aquinas, Thomas, 84, 116, 131
Are You Experienced? Ltd., I-2, I-4-5, I-15, I-19,
I-40, E-7, E-13, E-21-2, E-31
Armageddon, the movie, iii, I-18, I-49-51
"As I Looked into My Crystal Ball", 56, 183, 253
asteroid belt, I-39, 9-11, 13, 60-2, 185-6
Asteroid JA-1, I-27, 242
ASTEROID miniseries, I-18, I-30, I-44, I-46
asteroid 1997XF11, I-43, I-49, I-52, 14
Asteroids: Deadly Impact, I-33-5, I-39, 192, 241
Astro Man, 36, 40, 55, 185, 187, 201, 254-5
Atlantis, iii, I-23-4, I-27, 42, 45-54, 59, 185, 246,
A Touch of Hendrix, I-1, I-7, I-12-7, I-19-20, 96-7,
111, 164, 189-90, 220, 223, 229, E-23-5
Augustine, 68, 100-1, 110-1, 116, 122, 181, 245
Axis:Bold As Love, 42, 44, 266, E-3-4, 28
Axis powers, 204, E-2-4
Ayurveda, 233
Babette's Feast, 81
Babylonian Magical Text, 123
Bailey, Michael, 135
Baldick, Chris, I-57
Ballmer, Steve, I-23, I-46, E-34-5
Barabbas, 153-5
Barnes-Svarney, Patricia, I-29, 11, 22, 24, 41, 60,
228, 235
Barr, David, 148, 182
Barringer, Daniel Moreau, I-34
Berger, Peter, 114, 267
Bermann, Steve, E-34-5
Billboard, I-2, 9
Birkbeck, Lyn, 46, 220-3
Birth of a Super Hero, The, 185-6
"Black Gold", 253-5, 263, 266-7, E-3
Blackrobe, 79-80
Bletchley Park, 200-2, 204-5
blues, 4, 64, 69, 72, 77, 81-2, 183, 191-3, 202,
209, 221, 228, 233
:Blues CD, I-4, 203
Blumberg, Paul, 130
Blumenthal, James, 187-8
Bonobos Chimpanzees, 92
Boot, Adrian, I-16
Bottke, William, 18
Branton, Leo, I-2, I-4
bride burning, 125
Brown, Francois, 148
Bruckheimer, Jerry, I-50
Buddha, I-36, 67, 112, 160-1, 166, 169, 182, 203
Burdon, Eric, 215, E-7-8, E-11-12, E-14
"Burn Down the Churches", 252
Burr, Chandler, 135, 138
Cahn, Edmond, 254
Campbell, Joseph, I-58, 33-4, 67, 71-2, 83-4, 86,
95, 106, 111-2, 114, 159, 165, 194, 208, 211,
238, 244, E-37
Carnegie Observatories, 228
Carney, Thomas, 163
Carter, Nicholas, 94, 119-24, 135-6, 197-9
Carolina Meteorite, I-22, 12, 43, 52, 57, 247
Caruso, Paul, 1, 6, 24
"Castles Are Made of Sand", 264
"Catfish Blues", 4
Cayce, Edgar, I-27, 46
CBAT, I-43
CBN, 152
Center for a New Democracy, E-25
cepheid variables, 228
Ceram, C.W., 246
Chapman, Clark, 19, 39, 241
Chase, Arlen, 245-6
Chase, Diane, 245
Cherokee Mist - the Lost Writings of Jimi Hendrix,
I-40, 2, 6, 10, 13-4, 18, 21, 23, 27, 31, 35-6, 44-5, 47, 49, 54-6, 58-63, 182-5, 224-5,
234-5, 238, 243, 253-5, 263, 267
Chilam Balams, Book of the, 247
Childhood's End, 230-32
Chomsky, Noam, I-22, I-26, I-58, 168, 217, 240,
258-9, E-1, E-5, E-23, E-28-9, E-37
Chopra, Deepak, I-17-8, I-27, I-58, 27-31, 82, 116,
203-4, 230-1, 233, 240, E-37
Christians In Rome, E-6-15
Churcher, Sharon, E-7
Churchill, Winston, 199-200, 205, E-22
CIA, I-25, 26
circumcision, 118-25, 136-7, 197-8
Cirincione, Joseph, I-53
Clarke, Arthur, 3, 59, 230-1
Clark, Mark, 206, 232
Clement of Alexandria, 104, 144
Clinton, Bill, I-38-9, I-52-3, 39
Clinton, Hillary, 127
Clube, Victor, I-27, 10, 21, 25
Cohen, Jeff, I-58, E-24-7, E-33
coincidence, I-15, I-17-8, I-27, I-43, I-55, 58-9, 156,
204, 213-4, 227-8, 256, 266, 268, E-18-20
commensality, 168
Committee on Planetary and Lunar Exploration, I-48
Conqueror Worm, E-28
Constantine, iv, I-10, I-42, I-44, 159, 160-73, 176,
195-6, 228, 245, 265, E-30, E-33
Coon, Caroline, 74, 81-2
Cornerstones CD, I-4
corporate welfare, 179-80
Council of Nicea, 161-72
Counsel for Kings, 98
Cox, Billy, 23, E-4
Credit Theft - Discontents of a Hendrix Expert,
Cromwell, Oliver, 64, 74, 191, 193
Crossan, John, I-58, 85, 101, 105, 109-10, 140,
143-4, 147-9, 154, 156, 163, 168, 170-1,
181-2, 203, 218, 225, E-34
"Crossroads Blues", 202
cultural elite, I-19, I-37
Daly, Mary, I-58, 73, 84, 96, 114, 116-8, 174-5,
178, 186, 191, 206, 209-10, 229, 235,
242-3, 248, 254, 266, E-33
Dannemann, Monika, I-23, I-26, 8, 16, 24, 26, 37,
4, 47-8, 50-1, 53, 187, 214-5, 226-7, 232,
E-2, E-6-15
Dateline NBC, I-31, I-43, 133
Dead Sea Scrolls, 167, 222-3, E-36
deconstruction, I-57-8, 153
Deep Impact, the movie, iii, I-18, I-44, I-46, I-50
Defend America Act, I-25
Defense Intelligence Agency, I-26
degenerate art, 207
demiurge, 165, 167, 172-3
Democratic National Convention 1968, 6, 226
deservedness, I-20, 164, 169, 175, 178-9, 189,
259, 262
Destruction of Atlantis, The, 53
Diggers, 64, 189
Diocletian, 158-9, 170
Dobkin de Rios, Marlene, 132, 137
Dole, Bob, I-24-5
Doma, Alice, 132-3
Donnally, Ignatius, iii, 53
Doomsday Rock, I-38, I-47
Douglas, Alan, I-2, I-4-5, I-15-7, E-16, E-21
dowry custom, 125-6
DreamWorks Pictures, I-23, I-32, I-44, I-46, I-50,
dualism, 65-9, 78, 80, 85, 98, 106, 111, 117, 170,
190, 219, 223, 228, 232
"Earth Blues", 186-7
Edison, Thomas, 16
Edwards, Donna, E-25
Eisenman, Robert, 167
Electric Church, 16, 48-9, 78, 190
Electric Ladyland, 2, 6, 8-9, 15, 17, 25, 44, 192,
242, 255
Electric Love, 15-7, 42, 44-5, 49, 59, 62, 227, 234,
236, 254, 260, 263-4, 267, E-39
elitism, I-1, I-5, I-19-20, I-27, I-44-5, I-51, I-55,
I-58, 72, 163-4, 169-70, 173-5, 189-90, 232, 242-3, 256, 260, 262, 265, 267, E-13-4,
E-23-7, E-29, E-39
Enigma, I-19, I-24, I-30, I-42, 199-202, 204-5,
E-3, E-39
Epiphanius of Salamis, 145-7
epispadians, 119
Equalitarian Prayer, 267
Equality Party, E-38
Eros, 17
e.s.t.: Erhard Seminars Training, 260-2
estrus cycles, 89-91
Europa, 8
Eusebius, 104, 159-60, 161-3, 171, E-5
Exiguus, Dionysius, 195
Experience Music Project (EMP), I-1-3, I-5-7, I-17,
I-23, I-28, I-30, I-40-2, E-30-2, E-35-6
faggots, 187
Fairness and Accuracy In Reporting (F.A.I.R.), E-24
Fair Play, 177-9
Fair Shares, 177-9
Fall of Nature, 67-8, 99-101, 106-7, 110, 211, 219
Fallwell, Jerry, 151
Farmer, Phillip Jose, 3-4
Fasson, Anthony, 201, 206
Feast of the Circumcision of Christ, 198
Felperin, Howard, I-57-8
female genital mutilation, 118, 125
Festivals, The, E-30
Fire In the Sky, I-35-6, 7, 13, 18-9, 21-2, 38
First Ray of the New Rising Sun, 2, 3, 8-9, 54
footbinding, 126-7
Forced Psychiatric Testing, I-20-2
forgiving, 262
Fox, Matthew, 116
Frank, Louis, I-36
Fredrikson, Paula, 181-2
Freedman, Wendy, 228
freeks, 76, 189, 211, 224, 226, 250-1, 267, E-36-7
Free Speech for Sale, I-22, 257, E-26, 37
Freshwater, 193
Freud, Sigmund, 208, 221
From Jesus To Christ, I-44
Fussel, Paul, 130, E-29, E-36
Galileo Space Probe, 8
Garvin, James, 12-3
Gates, Bill, I-1
Gehrels, Tom, I-29, I-36, 44, 203
Gematria, 215-8
gibbon monkey, 89
Gilbert, Adrian, 246, 248, 250, 264
Gilday, Kathrine, 67, 81, 84, 86, 117
Gilman, Sander, 207
Ginsberg, Benjamin, E-23
Glen, John, I-25, I-54
Gnostics, I-42, 139, 141-3, 146, 157, 163-5, 167-8,
172-3, 175-6, 265-6
Goddard Spaceflight Center, 12
"God Save the Queen", 193, E-20-1
Gossard, Stone, E-35
Graft, Dale, 26
Great Human Be-In, 76-7
Greene, William, 261-2
Gregorian calendar, 58, 220
Griffin, Susan, 67, 86, 117
GrinchRich - the D.C. Witch-hunt, I-20, I-37, 48
Guenther, Peter, 207
Guillen, Michael, 6
Guitar Shop magazine, E-15-6, E-22
Gypsy Sun, 8-9, 55
Hale-Bopp comet, I-24, 35
hallucinogens, 32-5, 70, 75-6, 112-4, 183, 189,
192, 204, 211, 217, 222, 233, 236-9, 259,
Hamer, Dean, 131, 134-6
Hamig, Joshua, 46-7, 52
Harris, Robert, I-24, 201, 205
Hazell, Lester,124
Hemingway, Ernest, E-3
Henderson, David, E-14-5
Hendrix, Al, I-2, I-5, I-19, 1
Hendrix Correct terms, I-24, 210-12
Hendrix/Etchingham Story, The, 48, 50, E-6-14
Hendrix, death of, I-42, I-55, 38-40, 47, 54, 62,
193, 214, 225, 229, 256, 262-3, 268, E-6-15, E-19, E-21
Hendrixian Creed, 176
Hendrix, Jimi, i-iv, I-1-17, I-19-20, I-22-4, I-26,
I-28, I-31-5, I-38, I-41-3, I-45-7, I-50, I-53-8, 1-11, 13-7, 21-5, 27-33, 35-51, 53-65, 69-71, 73-5, 77-8, 81-2, 86-7, 89, 115-6, 125, 148, 153, 167-8, 172-3, 176, 182-94, 197, 199-202, 206, 209-15, 217-29, 232-9, 241-3, 249, 262-4, 266, E-1-22, E-27-8, E-30-5, E-38-9
Hendrix, Leon, I-6, I-15, I-17
Hendrix, Lucille, 202, 212
herd thinners, I-42, 133, 136-8, 151, 187-8, E-39
heresy, 141, 143-4, 156, 163, 167, 169, 172, 265, E-5
Hightower, Jim, 180, 258, E-28
Hinsley, F.H., 200, 206
Hippolytus, 139
Hirayama, Kiyotsugu, 60
History of Rock and Roll, The, E-30
H.M.S. Petard, 201
Hock, Ronald, 195
Hoffman, Abbie, 198
Hoffman, Albert, 34, 223
holocaust, 152, 156, 163, 208-10, 217, 228
holographic model of memory, 230, 233
Holy Grail, 111-2
Holy Trinity, 165-72, 194, 219, 228, 230-1
homosexuality, I-30, I-42, I-56, 82, 97, 114, 131-9,
144-54, 156, 162-3, 171, 174, 187-9, 217, 228, 245, 247, 261, E-39
honor defense, 128-9
House of German Art, 208-9
Hubble Space Telescope, I-24, 211, 228
Hughes, Robert, 208
Hurricane Camille, 202
Hyakutake comet, I-24-5, 240
"I Escaped From the Roman Coliseum", 183-4, 226
"If 6 Was 9", 226-7, E-28
Impact: Could It Happen, I-45
inheritance, 179, 231, 261
Inner World of Jimi Hendrix, The, I-23, 8, 16, 24,
26, 37, 44, 47-8, 50, 187, 226-7, 232, E-2
institutional analysis, E-5
internet, I-39, I-43, I-45, I-52, 130, 248, E-22
Irenaeus, I-44, 141, 143-4, 150, 156-7, 161, 163,
170, 172-3, E-39
Isaiah, 109
ischemia 187
Isle of Wight, 54, 192-3, E-15-6, 20, 30
Jamieson, Kathleen Hall, 257
Jaquette, Jane, 129
Jerome of Dalmatia, 264
Jerusalem Temple, 141-2, 154, 225
Jesus, iv, I-7-8, I-16, I-26, I-35-6, I-51, 43, 56, 66,
99-111, 119, 140-50, 153-61, 164-72, 175-7,
181-4, 186, 188, 194-9, 203, 213-4, 219-20,
223-4, 227, 134, 144-5, 265, E-3, E-29-31, E-37
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, I-28, I-33, I-45, I-52, 8, 18
Jewish Cabala, 215
Johnson, Robert, 202
Johnson Space Center, 61
Jonas, Hans, 266
Josephus, Flavius, 140, 154
Jung, Carl, 230
Jupiter, iii, I-18-9, I-27, I-29, I-33-5, I-45, 3-11, 13,
49, 57, 59-60, 212, 219, 240, 249, E-19
Kahn, David, 200-1
Kelso de Montigny, Alan, 12
Killer Asteroids, I-36, I-45
Kloppenborg, John, 169
koans, 166
Koester, Helmut, 145, 147, 149, 155
Kris Kringle, 196-7
Krismas, 196-7
Kuiper Airborne Observatory, 42
Lagharissi, Sidi, 88
Lavey, Simon, 133
Lawrence, Sharon, 215, 250
letter for RP detractors, E-24
Levey, David, I-33, I-35, 7, 19
Leviticus, 94, 151, 153, 173-4, 197-8
Lewis, Charles, E-26
Library of Congress, iii-iv, I-12, I-18-23, I-25,
I-27-8, I-32-4, I-38-42, I-44, I-54-5, 48-9, 54, 241, E-30-1
life on Mars, 61-2
Line, Julia, 215-6, 218-9, 224
Loas, 65, 69, 72-3, 76, 191
Lonergan, Bernard, 171
Lowell Observatory, 7-8
LSD, 16, 31-2, 35, 77, 210, 223-6, 265
Luke, Gospel of, i, I-56, 140, 147, 155, 182
Lumbini Development Trust, 161
Luther, Martin, 116, 196, 224
Lyons, Tim, 221-2
machismo, 128-9
Machu Picchu, 46
MacKenzie, Margaret, 67, 84
Magdalene, Mary, 149
Mail On Sunday, E-7
Malani, Rani Jeth, 126
Manufacturing Consent, I-22, I-26, 168, 217, 240,
259, E-28-9, E-37
Marcion, 153
Mark, Gospel of, 140, 145-8, 154-6, 176, E-29
Marks, Emeretta, 1
Marsden, Brian, I-43, I-47
matriarchy, 121, 178-8, 243
Matthew, Gospel of, I-7-8, 43, 140, 147, 149, 155,
234, E-29
Maya Indians, I-22, I-27-8, I-30, I-38-9, 57-9,
245-8, 250, 264, 266
May, Edwin, 26
MCA, I-1-4, I-12, I-19, I-40, I-43, E-17
McGiffert, Arthur, 104, 108
McKenna, Terrence, I-58, 33, 35, 70, 97, 112-3, 189,
211, 237-8, 241-2, 245, 259, E-1, E-27, E-32
McKenzie, John, 99, 105
McLaughlin Group, I-44, 128
Mead, Margaret, 83, 120
Meadows, Vicki, 8
merit, 177-9, 259
Mernissi, Fatima, 88
"Message To Love", 8, 54-5, 182, 229
Meteor, iii, I-44, I-50-1
Meteor Crater, I-34, 21
Meteorites! I-48
Michael the Archangel, 102-4
Microsoft, iv, I-1, I-5, I-18, I-23, I-28, I-30-4, I-
39-44, I-46-8, 160
millennium bug, 250-1
Minoan civilization, 93
Minor Planet Center, I-47
Mitchell, Mark, 22
Mohammed, 123, 128, 169, 224
mohel, 198
Monastery of Mar Saba, 144
Monterey, 77, 227, E-30
Moondust, I-41, 10, 37-8, 40, 55-6, 185-6, 250
Moore, Robert, 70
More, Sir Thomas, 265
Morrison, David, I-51, 13, 25, 241
Mount Rainier, I-28, I-50, E-33
MSNBC, I-28, I-30, I-41, I-44, I-46, E-32
MTV, I-2
Muck, Otto, I-22, I-58, 11-2, 15, 42-3, 52-4, 57-9,
Murray, Charles, I-13-5
Musician magazine, E-6, E-11-5
Myers, Matthew, 257
Naassenes, 139-40
Nader, Ralph, I-58, 179-80
Nag Hammadi library, I-42, 157, 265-6
Name of the Rose, The, 80
NASA, I-36, I-45-7, I-51-2, I-54, 19, 25, 39, 61,
180, 240, E-19-20
National Research Council, I-48, I-52
Nazis, I-19, I-24, I-30, I-42, 155, 199-202, 204-9,
211, 222, 265, E-3, E-39
NBC, I-18, I-24, I-26, I-28, I-30-7, I-39, I-42,
I-44-7, I-51, E-31-2
Near-Earth Asteroid Tracking (NEAT), 19
Neptune, 41-2, 53
Nero, 224, 226
Neuborne, Burt, E-26
Newton, Issac, 21
New York Times, The, iii, I-1, I-23, I-28-9, I-32,
I-50, I-55, 39, 44, 203
Nicean Creed, 160, 165-6, 168
Nicodemus, Gospel of, 101-4
Night of Light, 3
Nine to the Universe, 227
"1983 (a merman I should turn to be)", 45-8, 51,
53, 242
ninth Psalm, 250
Noah, I-19, 115
Noll, Roger, E-33
NORAD, I-31, I-49, 241
North, Oliver, I-37
Nostradamus, I-27
NOVA, I-24, I-51, 10-1, 14, 18-9, 21-2, 25, 241
Number of the Beast, 224, 216
Obituary Ritual, 264-7, E-38
obsessed, 214-8
Omer-Man, Johathan, 216
On A Collision Course With Earth, I-29, I-51
Operation Ultra, 199-206
Oort Cloud, 10-11
Oort, J. Hendrik, 11
original sin, 68, 74, 99-108, 110-1, 122, 155, 181,
228, E-39
Orwell, George, 153, 259
Ostro, Steve, I-49-51, 18, 39
Pagles, Elaine, i, iv, I-33, I-58, 66, 97, 107-8, 110,
117, 141-4, 147-51, 153-6, 163-4, 167-8, 170, 172-3, 175, 184, 265-6, E-29
pair bonding, 89-91
Palenque, 46
Panarion, 145-7
paranoid, E-5, E-28
Parents, Families & Friends of Lesbians & Gays, 152
Paul of Tarsus, I-42, 66-8, 84-5, 96-7, 99-100,
105-7, 139, 141-2, 148-53, 156, 159-60, 174, 210
PBS News Hour, I-23, I-25, I-27, I-33, I-39, I-46-7,
Penrose, Roger, 231
Percy, David, 61
Peter, Gospel of, 105, 149-50, 211, 268
Phaethon, 51-3
Phillips, Sam, 79
Piazzi, Giuseppe, 12
Plato, 51, 53, 59, 97, 137, 148, 184, 218
Poe, Edgar Allen, E-28
Popular Mechanics, I-36
possession, 5, 65, 69-70, 72, 76, 112, 115, 141,
191-2, 209, 228
Practical Guide to the Universe, 12-13, 18, 27, 60
Prentice, Patrick, 246
Prepuce of Jesus, 198-9
Presley, Elvis, 73-4, 76, 79, 191, 214
Project Dawn, 3
Project Stargate, 26
psychedelic, 16, 32, 35, 210, 237, E-1
"Purple Haze", 3-4, 232-3, 255
Quayle, Dan, I-19
Ragnarok: The Age of Fire and Gravel, 53
Ray, Eric, 217
Reader's Digest, I-29
Reagan, Ronald, I-24, I-36, I-53, 38, 241, 256
Redding, Noel, I-10, 45
"religion" defined, 213
remote viewing, 26-7, 32
Revelations, Book of, I-28, 17, 216, 224, 263
Rhesus monkeys, 91
Robbins, Tom, I-58, 34-5, 112, 222-3
Roberts, Glenn, 127
Robertson, Pat, 151-2
Rock of Ages, 232-4
Rolling Stone magazine, I-43, I-53, 9, 42, 44
Roman Jewish War, 110, 140, 147, 153, 155, 224-6
Romer, John, I-58, 88, 101, 108, 119, 140-5, 156,
158-9, 161-2, 165-6, 168-70, 172
"Room Full of Mirrors", 4-6, 9
Room Full of Mirrors - J.H. autobio, I-16-7
Rosen, Fred, E-35
Rosetta Stone, 62, 263
Rumi, 255
Ryan, William, I-58, 177-9, 224-5
Sagan, Carl, I-8, 20, 25
St. Martin's Press, I-1, I-13, I-23, I-26, 48-51, 54
St. Nicholas, 196-7
St. Pachomius, 265
Sagittarius, 6, 46, 212, 221, 223, 249
Sambia tribe, 137
Sands of Mars, The, 3, E-19
Saturn, 41, 46, 60, 238, 253-4
Saturn/Uranus Conjunction, 220-3
Schell, Paul, E-34
Schick, Kevin, 248
Schimmel, Annemarie, 215-6, 218, 228, 249
Schowalter, Daniel, 167
Scotland Yard, E-7, E-11-14
Scotti, Jim, 14
Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence Institute (S.E.T.I.), E-31-2
Seattle Human Rights Department, I-30, I-35
Secret Gospel of Mark, 144-5, 147
Secret of Atlantis, The, 11-2, 15, 42-3, 52, 54,
57-9, 246
Seifert, Dr. Martin, E-6, E-9
semen, 90, 93-5, 112, 137, 139, 145-7
Shakespeare, William, 236, E-22-3
shamans, I-38, I-41, 5, 33, 35, 37, 55, 70-2, 75,
112-4, 189, 191-2, 203, 211, 237, 239
Shapiro, Harry, I-1, 190, E-12
Shark code, 200-1, 205
Shaw, Gregory, 100, 110
Shiffmann, Lawrence, 216
Shoemaker, Carolyn, I-33, 7, 11, 18, 59
Shoemaker, Eugene, iii, I-31, I-33-6, I-39, I-45,
I-54, 7, 11, 14, 21-3, 25, 192
Shoemaker/Levey 9 (String of Pearls), I-46, 7, 9,
13, 54
Silbury Hill, 61
666, 216, 224-5
Smith, Houston, 166, 174, 239
Spaceguard Survey, 19
Spacewatch, I-29, I-36, I-52, 19
Spanish Conquistadors, 245-7
Speilberg, Steven, I-31, I-50
Spencer, John, 7-8
Spiritual Blues, 78, 190-2, 206, 211-4, 231, 263
Spretnek, Sharleen, 89, 107
Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, 130, 173
Starfire Optical Range, I-53
Star of Bethlehem, 204
"Stars That Play with Laughing Sam's Dice", 31,
Star Wars (see Strategic Defense Initiative)
Steel, Duncan, 19, 238
Steinbruner, John, I-25
Stein, Wendy, 59
Solar Empire, I-49
Sol Invictus, 161, 195
"Steppingstone", 8, 250, E-19-20
"Stone Free", 37, 238
Stonehenge, 46, 61
"Story of Life, The", 263-4
Straight Ahead magazine, i, I-19, I-23, 187, E-6,
E-8, E-10-2, E-14
Strategic Defense Initiative (S.D.I.), I-24, I-36,
I-52-4, 38, 47, 49, 242
stress, 133-8
Sumerian resurrection myth, 93
Summer of Love, 77
Sun Ra, 79, 181, 220, 257, E-4
Superman, I-39, 183-5, 187, 204
Sylvia, Claire, 230
Tagliaferri, Ed, 13, 38
Talbacarassi, Peter, 206
Talking Phone Book, The, I-30
Taiga meteorite, 11
Tannahill, Reay, I-58, 68, 85-6, 88-90, 92-5, 97,
118, 120, 123, 132, 136-7, 172, 178-9, 244, 247
Target Earth, I-51
Taylor, Michael, 65
"Terra Revolution and Venus", 2, 13-4, 18, 21, 23,
31-2, 35-6, 45, 49, 54-5, 59-63, 238, 267
Thering, Barbara, 169
"Third Stone From the Sun", 37, 57
Thomas, Gospel of, I-16, 66, 108, 175, E-31
Three Minutes To Impact - Our Number's Up, I-47
Thunder: Perfect Mind, The, 143
Thursday, 212
TicketMaster, E-34-5
Titanic - the movie, I-40
Top Free 7, I-12
Torah, 158, 217
Toutatis, I-52
Trips Festival, 76
Trojans, 10
Tunstall, Cuthbert, 265
Turing, Alan, I-30
Tyndale, William, 265-6
Tyson, Neil, I-25, 240-1
2001: A Space Odyssey, 1, E-19
2010, Odyssey 2, 3, E-19
Ultra Secret, I-19, I-24, I-30, I-42, 199, 205-6,
E-3, E-39
Ultrasound, 126
United Nations, 130
United States Congress, I-21, I-25, I-52-3, 19, 222,
240, E-35
United States Justice Department, I-42, I-47
UniVibes, I-23, 214, 220, E-17
"Up From the Skies", 42, 44, 234-5, 255
Uranus, 41-2, 45-6
"Valleys of Neptune - Arising", I-46, 6, 14, 23, 44,
47, 255
Valleys of Sunrise, 6, 44
Van Den Haag, Ernest, 194
Velikovsky, Immanuel, 58
Ventura, Michael, I-58, 64, 69-70, 72, 74, 78, 183,
Venus, I-38, 12, 31, 45, 57-60, 62, 235, 247
Verne, Jules, iv, I-18
Vietnam, I-13-4, 75, 82, 189-90, 225, 228
Voluspa, the, 43
Voodoo, 4, 64, 69-70, 72, 75, 77, 81, 183, 191-3,
202, 209, 228
"Voodoo Chile", 4-5, 8-9, 44, 70, 191-2, 202, 255
Voodoo Soup CD, I-19, 49, E-17, E-20-2
Voyager, 41
Wagner, Sally Roesch, 129
Wallen, Kim, 90-1
Warship, 174-5, E-39
Wein, Chuck, 10
Weyermann, Jim, E-35
When Worlds Collide, I-18, I-51
Whitehead, Alfred North, 194
White, Mel, 151-2
Wicca, 176
Wilson, A.N., 97, 99, 149, 151, 153, 156, 158, 198
"Wind Cries Mary, The", 268
witchcraft, 29, 64, 74-5, 89, 163
Witherbotham, Fred, 205
Wolf, Edward, 256-7
Wolper, David, 115, 216
Wonders of the Universe, 19, 38, 227-8
Woods, Michael, 158, 164
Woodstock, I-40, 8, 68, 77, 202, 266, E-30
Woolsey, R. James, I-25
Year of the Dominator (A.D.), 195
Yippies, 225-6
Yucatan peninsula, 14
Zare, Richard, 62
Zealots, 225-6
Zen, 75, 166, 252