Valentine's Day,
and just as the U.S. Missile Defense program suffers it's third failed
test in a row, and on the anniversary of NASA landing a space craft on the Eros (a/k/a "Love")
asteroid in 2001, when Bill Gates was at the Hendrix museum
in Seattle to announce that Microsoft's new Windows operating system, code named "Asteroid" while
in development, will now be named "XP",
meaning eXPperience,
as in the Jimi Hendrix Experience - at this time in
February 2005 the world astronomical community admits to London's Independent
newspaper that asteroid MN4 "will come closer than the orbit of many
satellites…close enough for its orbit to be directly affected by the
Earth's gravity."
Friday the 13th, 2029: Giant Asteroid Will
Narrowly Miss Earth," claims the Independent: "A
giant asteroid the size of three football pitches will make the closest
flyby of Earth in recorded history for an object of its size,
scientists said yesterday [Valentine's
Day]. It will pass between the Earth and the Moon
and will even come closer than the orbit of many telecommunications
satellites...the massive rock…due to make its approach to Earth…at
about 10pm London time on Friday 13 April 2029…It will shine in the sky
as a dim, fast-moving star - the first asteroid in modern times to be
clearly visible from Earth without the aid of a telescope or
binoculars…calculations of its orbit made by astronomers last Christmas
Eve suggested that there was a one in 60 chance of it colliding with
the Earth...If it did collide it would cause an explosion equivalent to
about 20 hydrogen bombs being detonated simultaneously, turning vast
areas of land into desert or generating a giant tsunami if it landed in
the ocean…
"It will [arrive] by the relative whisper of
36,000km (22,600 miles) - well within the orbit of geostationary
satellites and about a tenth of the distance to the Moon. This is by
far the largest of the top 10 closest asteroids recorded by
astronomers. Professor Mark Bailey, director of the Armagh Observatory,
said that…it would come close enough for its orbit to be
directly affected by the Earth's gravity…'I think everyone is
saying that it's going to miss. It'll pass so close though,'
Professor Bailey said. 'It's like being on a train station platform and
watching an express train go by three feet away.' he said.
"Steve Chesley, of NASA's Jet Propulsion
Laboratory in Pasadena, California, said that asteroid 2004 MN4 was
unusual because so much was known about its orbit...Dr Chesley said…the
orbit of this one lies mostly within the orbit of the Earth,
making further encounters likely."
February 19,
at the website homepage for asteroid MN4, a description of Mountain MN4
climaxes with the conclusion: "This object has the
possibility of impacting the Earth."
[NOTE: What we have here is an all-out
pogram by dominators to silence astronomers who try to tell us
collision is imminent. Media moguls globally close ranks to advance
propaganda disinformation and pacify the herd into complacency, make
people sheepishly believe the Rock won't strike. The elite have to do
this to keep workers in line while they
create escape havens.
The magnitude of their lies is revealed
in the concealment of the
tsunami meteor last December, However, when the ocean floor
crater from that space rock collapses months later, media scrambles for
rationale to spin reasons why that event's earthquake doesn't again
cause tsunamis...]
A magnitude 8.7 earthquake hits 100 miles south of
the 9.0 magnitude quake that hit three months ago on December 26, 2004 (Dec. 25th U.S. time - X-mas).
The December 26 quake stirred a tsunami tidal wave that killed nearly
300,000 people. But the same quake today, in the same place, causes no
Why did the 9.0
magnitude earthquake near Sumatra on December 26, 2004 cause a gigantic
tidal wave, and then a quake the same size 100 miles away three months
later causes no waves?
Rings from Rock Splash
Because the December 26,
2004 quake was caused by a meteor that crashed into the Indian Ocean
and generated a huge wave from the impact splash. The Rock carved out a
crater on the ocean floor and three months later, on March 28, 2005,
the crater's walls collapsed and produced an earthquake. There was no
tsunami from the March earthquake because there was no meteor in March,
as there was in December. The disturbance in March demonstrated that an
earthquake alone in that area will not cause tsunami. A meteor is
needed for the waves.
Immediately after today's quake government
agencies raced to explain the absence of waves. The aim of today's spin
blitz is to conceal the meteor of December:
Chip Groat, Director of the US Geological Survey,
was ordered to appear on ABC News Nightline where he was asked, "This
is an 8.7 magnitude earthquake. In December there was a 9.0 magnitude
quake. Why didn't this one produce a big tsunami too?"
"That's a good question," conceded Groat, "The
kind of motion we detected here would give the indication that there
was a serious danger of tsunami. And we said so. The fact that it
didn't generate one is going to send us back to the scientific drawing
board to learn why it didn't."
Nightline: "Any clues?"
"Not at this point, no," lied Groat. "It was a
severe thrust which we think would generate the energy for tsunami, but
in fact it didn't happen."
[NOTE: He knows there's no wave because,
unlike three months ago, this time there's no rock.]
And on the PBS News Hour, Jim Devine of the US
Geological Survey was asked the same question and said, "When it first
occurred, we were very uneasy because this had the potential to
generate a large tsunami. But there is only a very modest one that
developed, and the reason for that is not fully understood. That's a
problem that our scientists are working on right now…that mechanism is
not fully understood."
[NOTE: What they're "working on" is a way
to explain how December's wave happened without a rock. If earthquakes
alone caused tsunamis in that region, there would've been another big
wave in March.]