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June 19, 2004:
Asteroid 2004 MN4, a
quarter-mile wide Rock, is discovered by Roy Tucker, David Tholen and
Fabrizio Bernardi of the NASA-funded University of Hawaii Asteroid
Survey (UHAS), from Kitt Peak, Arizona. The Rock's path will not be
known until Christmas.
December 2004:
Six months later asteroid MN4 is rediscovered
from Australia by Gordon Garradd of the Siding Spring Survey, another
NASA-funded NEA survey. Further observations from around the globe over
the next several days allowed the Minor Planet Center to confirm the
connection to the June discovery, at which point the possibility of
impact in 2029 was realized by the automatic SENTRY system of NASA's
Near-Earth Object Program Office. NEODyS, a similar automatic system at
the University of Pisa, and the University of Valladolid in Spain, also
detected the impact possibility and provided similar predictions. The
news broke at Christmas…
December 24,
World media quotes a NASA press release: "A
recently rediscovered 400-meter [quarter-mile wide] Near-Earth Asteroid
(NEA) named 2004 MN4 is predicted to pass near the Earth on 13 April
2029. The flyby distance is uncertain and an Earth impact cannot yet be
ruled out. The odds of impact, presently around 1 in 300, are unusual
enough to merit special monitoring by astronomers, but should not be of
public concern. These odds are likely to change on a day-to-day basis
as new data are received. In all likelihood, the possibility of impact
will eventually be eliminated as the asteroid continues to be tracked
by astronomers around the world. This object is the first to reach a
level 2 (out of 10) on the Torino Scale. According to the Torino Scale,
a rating of 2 indicates 'a discovery, which may become routine with
expanded searches, of an object making a somewhat close but not highly
unusual pass near the Earth. While meriting attention by astronomers,
there is no cause for public attention or public concern as an actual
collision is very unlikely. New telescopic observations very likely
will lead to re-assignment to Level 0 [no hazard].' This asteroid
should be easily observable throughout the coming months."
NASA takes pains to pacify concern. Multiple phrases in this press
release emphasize the foregone conclusion that this asteroid is no
threat to Earth. Witch doctors are cooking the books regarding the
asteroid's path. But it's Christmas Eve, and the deity isn't pleased
with this re-formulated calculations charade, because MN4 is Jimi's Electric
Love Rock, and it's headed for Earth. The trajectory is
consummated as soon as "Krismas" is over…]
A Stone Tossed In A Pond

December 25,
Jimi's prediction of collisions begins to
transpire. It was mid afternoon on Christmas in America when the first
reports come in of a massive Deep Impact tidal wave in the Indian
Ocean. A Krismas Star had fallen into the sea,
causing enough of an earthquake to alter the rotation of the planet.
Having prepared since 1998 for
such an event, media moguls enact plans to persuade us that
the tsunami wave was caused by an earthquake alone. Long ago think
tanks of the elite deemed it critical to cover up and conceal an
asteroid impact that conforms to the Hendrix prophecy. The extent to
which mass media is today mobilized to censor and suppress eye-witness
reports of the Krismas Star meteor impact of the Indian Ocean is the
hallmark of our time - an Orwellian nightmare of dominator propaganda
disinformation deceiving us all.
Love penetrates the sky…the Mountains fall in the sea…the Sun refuses
to shine…
- Jimi
The Krismas Star meteor that splashed massive
waves through the sea is just the first of the Rocks due to impact.
This Rock hit a remote part of the ocean where it was seen by a handful
of people who today are forbidden to explain what happened. Media
conceals all reports of Krismas Star sightings. Air Force pilots, and
technicians who monitor satellites, are under threat of Guantanamo Bay
if they disclose the impact to anyone. If you deem this unlikely,
consider the Jan Wong incident
in which an entire population is kept unaware and deceived by media.
But the next Rock to strike won't be in an isolated area, and those
moguls who've tried to silence us will find Earth murdered. They think
they've dominated us like dominators persecuted early Christians in
Rome, but today the Savior's returned to crucify the brutes…
December 27,
And here comes the obligatory denial from government about
the path of the rock due to impact us in 2029:
"Whew! Asteroid Won't Hit Earth in 2029,
Scientists Now Say," is the headline at Space.com. The familiar spiel
goes on, "The world can exhale a collective sigh of relief. A newfound
asteroid tagged with the highest warning level ever issued will not
strike Earth, scientists said Monday. The giant space rock, named 2004
MN4, was said on December 24 to have an outside shot at hitting the
planet on April 13, 2029. The odds climbed as high as 1-in-37, or 2.7
percent, on Monday, December 27. Researchers had flagged the object as
one to monitor very carefully. It was the first asteroid to be ranked 4
on the Torino Scale"
Notice how, while astronomers were distracted by the Christmas Star
meteor tsunami, the ranking for MN4 had gone from 2 to 4 on the Torino
scale. At this point the media machine kicked into spin alert. The
handful of moguls who control mass media closed ranks to conceal
reports that a meteor caused the tsunami. They simultaneously paid for
cooked books from astronomers to "prove" that asteroid MN4 will miss
Earth. Both the tsunami meteor and the MN4 mountain in space are what
Jimi predicted, so it thus becomes top priority of dominators
everywhere to agree 1) there was no meteor and, 2) asteroid MN4 is
harmless. Jimi is the "non-dominator" - dismissing his significance is
a religion to those whose privileges hasten the murder of Earth.]
Space.com continues, "The asteroid is about a
quarter mile (400 meters) wide, large enough to cause considerable
local or regional damage were it to hit the planet…old observations
provided the data necessary to rule out an impact. 'It is not the first
time a potentially threatening asteroid has been theoretically defused
by looking into the past…'We are lucky that these earlier sightings
were made, since 2004 MN4 is usually too faint to be detected by
near-Earth-object search telescopes,' said Clark Chapman of the
Southwest Research Institute…Orbits change with time because of
gravitational tugs by the Sun and planets, among other factors. 2004
MN4 circles the Sun, but unlike most asteroids that reside in a belt
between Mars and Jupiter, the 323-day orbit of 2004 MN4 lies mostly
within the orbit of Earth. Scientists cannot say that the asteroid will
never hit Earth."
The key statement above is, "Orbits change with time because of
gravitational tugs by the Sun and planets, among other
factors…Scientists cannot say that the asteroid will never hit Earth"
In other words, repeated headlines aimed to train us to feel safe from
Rock are fabricated claims with no basis in fact. Mogul controlled
media is designed to deceive us into complacency while the "elite"
scheme elaborate plans for
their own escape.]
December 29,
"Scientists rule out 2029 asteroid impact," notes
The St. Petersburg Times. "Additional observations have ruled out the
chance that a recently discovered asteroid, believed to be about 1,300
feet long, could hit Earth in 2029, NASA scientists said. Last week,
asteroid 2004 MN4 had been given a small chance of impacting Earth,
based on observations in June and this month. The Spacewatch
Observatory near Tucson, Arizona found faint pictures of the asteroid
in archival images dating to March 15. The pictures allowed scientists
to refine the asteroid's projected trajectory. Scientists also ruled
out an impact with the Moon."
So here is where corporate media expected this issue to go away. They'd
done their job and trained the sheeple to not think about MN4. But the
deity intervenes, and "2005" brings unprecedented
developments…"Electric Love" cannot be kept hidden…]
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