Ian Smith was one of a pair of police officers attached to Netting Dale police station, responding to a call fromambulance H. Q. to Netting Dale to go to 22 Landsdowne Crescent, London, Samarkand Hotel. It took themabout two minutes to arrive (probably less) as the station was just behind Landsdowne Crescent and they wereon their way out the door to start their shift.
Ian Smith's Statement:
We went to a basement flat at Landsdowne Crescent. The ambulance men were there, but Jimi was dead. It wasn't very pleasant. They had to take some of the bedding and wrapped it around his body as there was a lot of mess. There was really nothing they could do for him. I watched them put him in the ambulance and go off.

Questions for Ian Smith:
Q: Was there anyone with them (the ambulance men)?
A: No, I remember quite clearly the doors of the ambulance shutting on the crew and Jimi.
Q: Were you aware of the fact that he was Jimi Hendrix?
A: No, I hadn't a clue who he was. We really answered a lot of calls like that in those days.
Q: Was there anyone in the flat besides Jimi and the ambulance men?
A: No we just shut the door after they left to close up the flat.
Q: Could you just read this account (shown "Electric Gypsy")?
A: (laughs) Well, that's not how I remember things. If she'd been in the flat they would have never called us tocome in. They could have just taken him off, but in the circumstances, you know - just the body. Well theyI radioed their control to get us in. Also he would have been identified - nobody knew who he was.
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Dr. Martin Seifert was one of the casualty doctors who attended to Jimi Hendrix on the 18th of September 1970, atSt. Mary Abbotts Hospital, where he was the Medical Registrar. He was one of a team of three doctors. Todayhe is an eminent Rheumatologist (a doctor who deals with painful conditions of the joints and muscles).
Dr. Martin Seifert's Statement:
Jimi was rushed into the re-sus room. He was put on a monitor, but it was flat. I pounded his heart a couple oftimes, but there was no point in doing anything else, as he was dead.
I vaguely remember the clothes being flamboyant, but not too well because that isn't what you concentrate on, and there was a good bit of mess.
I never spoke to, or saw, anyone about Jimi - No woman in admissions. No nurse went out to say we'd revivedhim because we didn't - That just never happened. We didn't work on him anything like an hour, just a few minutes - He was dead. After we worked on Jimi - we didn't know he was Jimi Hendrix until later on - Iremember just a vague memory of a bit of fuss going on in admissions, but it could have been anything, it was acasualty ward.
After being shown the account in "Electric Gypsy", Dr. Seifert had this to say.
I can't explain that all - It never happened. Who is this girl? No one would have been allowed to look at himor stand over him. That would never have been done. I would have done anything to save him, but it was toolate, he was dead.
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Mr. Pergolani was working as a waiter at the Samarkand Hotel on September 18th 1970.
Mr. Pergolani's Statement:
Jimi was staying in the hotel with Monika, his German girlfriend. I was working here. That day, someoneyelled out that Hendrix was dead. The police came. The doctor said he took pills, but the reason for his deathwas suffocation from his own vomit, because he couldn't move, he was laying on his back. Since then, almostevery week, people come here to see where Jimi died.
[NOTE: I would think that by "doctor" he means the ambulance attendants. It's curious that he says. "Someoneyelled out that Hendrix was dead." That confirms the attendant's claim, that they knew Jimi was already dead atthe scene. It's also interesting to note that he says, "Since then, almost every week, people come here to seewhere Jimi died."]
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Monika Danneman's Statement:
On September 24, 1970, Monika Charlotte Danneman made the following sworn statement:

I have known JimiHendrix for the past two years. I met him in Germany and we became friendly and when I came to Englandthis year I got in contact with him and we resumed our relationship. Since Tuesday 15th September, he wasliving with me at my flat in Landsdowne Crescent. We went out on Wednesday and Thursday to Ronnie ScottsJazz Club and had a meal and a bottle of wine each evening, and spent the evenings listening to music. OnThursday 17th September we stayed in and I cooked a meal of spaghetti and we talked until about 2am. Hethen said he had to go somewhere and see some people about his band and I drove him to a house in GreatCumberland place. I asked him if I could go with him, but he said that they were not very nice people. Laterabout 2:45am, I picked him up there and went home. On our arrival I made a sandwich and we talked untilabout 7am. He then said he wanted to go to sleep. He took some tablets and we went to bed. I woke up about11am and saw that Jimi's face was covered in vomit. I tried to wake him, but could not. I called an ambulanceand he was taken to the Hospital in Kensington. He never recovered consciousness and later died at 12:45 pm.Prior to going with him to the hospital, I checked my supply of Vesperax sleeping tablets and found that 9 ofthem were missing. He was very happy and I never heard him talk of killing himself.
[NOTE: The other interviews and statements were conducted during July and August 1991. The people were shown the 1st printing of "Electric Gypsy" (1990).]